Friday, May 22, 2020

Teen Pregnancy in the United States - 1201 Words

Teen pregnancy is more prevalent in the United States, than one would think. Even though the number of pregnancies has lowered, there are still an estimated 31pregnancies per 1000 teens. Unfortunately, there are immense consequences from teen pregnancy. These occurrences are due to many circumstances that can be changed, such as, more education, peer pressure, and today’s culture. However, there are ways to prevent all this from happening; using contraception, being aware, or even abstaining from it. Teen pregnancy is an ongoing issue in our country with many causes that can be changed by taking preventative measures to keep teens from suffering consequences that will change their lives forever. There are many causes of teen pregnancy, but let’s focus on the top three issues. The lack of education is something that needs to be changed. Parents should take more time and discuss the causes and the effects that can arise from being intimate with someone and â€Å"we must ensure that parents, along with school are teaching up to date, medically accurate information† (Kasher n.p). Cultures may also affect this. Our teens are growing up in a generation where sex is a normal pass time. The media uses sex to draw in teens to get them to buy the latest style jeans or even the next new scintillating fragrance (VanLenten n.p). Music, commercials, and even the celebrities themselves make sex look like it is the thing to do. Just look at the teen pregnancies of the rich and famous, they makeShow MoreRelatedTeen Pregnancy And The United States1414 Words   |  6 PagesTeen Parenting in the United States Raising a child as an adult can be very demanding at times, but can you imagine how difficult it would be to raise a baby as a teen, when you are still a child yourself? Although the teen birth rate in the United States has been on a decline for the past decade, teen pregnancy is still a significant issue affecting many people (Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing). Teen pregnancy has been considered morally and ethically wrong in the United States for centuries (Sprague)Read MoreTeen Pregnancy And The United States2027 Words   |  9 Pagesaddressed is teen pregnancy rates in the United States. We can measure this problem by giving statistics on teen pregnancy related information and by describing the magnitude of the problem. Teen pregnancy exists everywhere in the world but the main focus of this policy memo is going to be that of the United States. Define and Analyze the Problem affected individuals. Teen mothers, their babies, the father, parents of the teen mother and father, and everyone in the United States to be exactRead MoreTeen Pregnancy : The United States1939 Words   |  8 PagesTEEN PREGNANCY Section One: â€Å"Why?† The United States has the highest rates of teen pregnancy and births in the western industrialized world. Teen pregnancy costs the United States at least $7 billion annually. Family First Aid has stated that â€Å"thirty-four percent of young women become pregnant at least once before they reach the age of 20 — about 820,000 a year. Eight in ten of these teen pregnancies are unintended and 79 percent are to unmarried teens.† You may ask why so many teens are pregnantRead MoreTeen Pregnancy And Its Effects On The United States1667 Words   |  7 PagesEach year around 90,000 adolescents become pregnant in the United States. Around 51% of adolescents pregnancies end in live births, 35% end up in induced abortions, and 14% result in miscarriage or stillbirth (Frick, 2007). Historically, the highest teen pregnancy rates in the United States were during the 1950’s and 1960’s before the legalization of abortion and the development of many the current forms of contraception(Frick, 2007). Rates enlarged steadily until 1991; since then, the birth rateRead MoreTeen Pregnancy Costs The United States1577 Words   |  7 Pages Section One: â€Å"Why?† The United States has the highest rates of teen pregnancy and births in the western industrialized world. Teen pregnancy costs the United States at least $7 billion annually. Family First Aid has stated that â€Å"thirty-four percent of young women become pregnant at least once before they reach the age of 20 — about 820,000 a year. Eight in ten of these teen pregnancies are unintended and 79 percent are to unmarried teens.† You may ask why so many teens are pregnant. It may be becauseRead MoreThe Effects Of Teen Pregnancy On The United States2305 Words   |  10 PagesTeen Pregnancy and the Link to Poverty in the U.S. with A Focus on Western Ma Especially Holyoke and Springfield Mass In the 1950s, the frequency of teenage births in the United States was already high, and since that, time has decreased, although the number of births outside marriage has increased. Thus, in 1990 the rate was 61.8 births, pregnancy rate - 116.9 per 1,000. The incidence of teenage pregnancy has decreased significantly in the 1990s. This decline is observed in all racial groups, butRead MoreTeen Pregnancy in the United States Essays3049 Words   |  13 PagesTeen Pregnancy in the United States Introduction Teen pregnancy falls into the category of pregnancies in girls age 19 or younger (NIH). Although statistics have shown a decrease, the number of teen pregnancy in the U.S. is still relatively high compared to the rest of the world. Sexual health is one of the top priorities in early adolescence health in the United States. Consequences of having sex at a young age generally results in unsafe sex practices. The consequences can be due to the lackRead More Teen Pregnancy in the United States Essay2801 Words   |  12 Pagessociety†. (Pregnant Teen Help, Teen Pregnancy Statistics) Some would argue that teen pregnancy is all glorified. Other individuals would protest that it is too influential. Teen pregnancy is a rising social problem in the United States and among other countries. Teen pregnancy is now being publicized as multi media corporations, with shows such as â€Å"16 Pregnant†, â€Å"Teen Mom†, â€Å"Maury†, â€Å"Secret Life of the American Teen ager†, and â€Å"Juno†. All of which concentrate on teen pregnancy. These shows or moviesRead MoreTeen Pregnancy Effects On The United States1922 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction Adolescent pregnancy is a widely researched and debated topic in psychology. Teen pregnancy rates in the United States have dropped significantly over the last two decades from 6.2% in 1990 to 2.7% in 2013, a 56% decrease, for women aged 15-19. Despite the sharp decline, concerns about the consequences of adolescent childbearing have not decreased. While evidence suggests that giving birth as a teenager is often associated with economic hardships, numerous researchers argue that theseRead MoreTeen Pregnancy is a Growing Problem in the United States1084 Words   |  4 Pageslocated in a tourist town on the northern Oregon coast, where according to the United States Census Bureau the median income as of 2012 was $24,201 (table 1).I remember in high school there was always a girl I knew who was pregnant, but it was not until recently when I noticed so many of my classmates and friends announcing due dates. According to Medline Plus, adolescent or teen pregnancy can be defined as â€Å"pregnancy in girls age 19 or younger† (para. 1). According to the CDC’s â€Å"Births: Final Data

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