Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Character of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice Essay

The Character of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice Victim or villain. These two words are the total opposites of each other. A victim is someone that we in general should, or may, feel sorry for and attempt to sympathise or empathise with. But a villain is the one person that people love to hate. The best example of this I feel is pantomime. The victims or heroes are clear-cut and the audience willingly cheers them. But as soon as the villain walks on stage he is hissed and booed, unfortunately it is not as simple as this in The Merchant of Venice and how the audience react to the characters is all important in making the distinction between victim or villain. Although the title of the†¦show more content†¦In contrast to this however, modern attitudes to racism, in particular anti-Semitism, are different. All throughout history Jews have been persecuted, most recently in the Holocaust in Germany. I would think that many people today would be affected by this, that such persecution could happen just because people stood up for their faith. It is this view that makes The Merchant of Venice, and particularly Shylock, so complex and still extremely relevant to modern society. Shylock is a Jew in a Christian city, isolated and vulnerable. This is a cause of great prejudice against Shylock and means his apparent villainy can begin to be understood. But, interpretation of Act 1:3 and the lines therein and underlying meanings accounts for many things. For example, when Bassanio invites Shylock to have a meal with them, If it please you to dine with us, it can be read as a kind offer rejected by Shylock or ignorance of the Jewish faith, either unintentionally or intentionally to patronise and provoke Shylock. But one point in this very important scene, Act 1:3, is when Shylock recounts all he has suffered at the hands of the Christians, epitomised in Antonio. Shylock has borne it with a patient shrug and goes on to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the supposedShow MoreRelatedMerchant Of Venice Shylock Character Analysis762 Words   |  4 PagesThe Merchant of Venice is one of Shakespeare’s most widely known and controversial comedies. Written in the lat e 1590s, its’ controversy stems from the modern mindset between tolerance and prejudice. Shylock, who was â€Å"at once a fabulous monster, the Jew incarnate, and also a troubling human uneasily joined with the monster in an uncanny blend†, is now looked at as a victim in light of the prejudice bestowed upon him now being recognized. Shylock’s character is so stereotypically Jewish that he becomesRead MoreEssay On The Character Of Shylock In The Merchant Of Venice1395 Words   |  6 PagesShylock is the hated Jew character in The Merchant of Venice. Despite the presence of other, minor, Jewish characters, when The Jew is mentioned, he is instantly recognized as Shylock. The Jew accumulates several negative monikers throughout the play, and in act four, scene one, he is referred to as: an inhuman wretch, / uncapable of pity, void and empty / from any dram of mercy (Shakespeare 4.1.4-6), inexecrable dog (4.1.128), and a cruel devil (4.1.215). The society of Ve nice despisesRead MoreThe Character of Shylock as a Victim or Villain in The Merchant of Venice1527 Words   |  7 PagesThe Character of Shylock as a Victim or Villain in The Merchant of Venice Do you consider the character of shylock to be a victim or villain in the play The Merchant of Venice? Shylock is one of the most interesting, memorable and debated characters in the play â€Å"The Merchant of Venice†. In many ways this is because he is both a victim and a villain. Shylock was made a laughing stock of and is ridiculed by the Christians because he was Jewish. 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His intentions seem reasonable to begin with, he sounds a nice man then he does a soliloquy saying how much hatred he has for Antonio, the Christian who treated him disrespectfully. Shylock conflicts his emotions again and speaks to Antonio in a joking manner which in his mind turns out to be the truth. In the play Shylock is aRead More Is The Merchant of Venice an Anti-Semitic Play? Essay1491 Words   |  6 PagesIs The Merchant of Venice an Anti-Semitic Play?      Ã‚   The Merchant of Venice features a Jewish character that is abused and slandered by nearly every character in the play. Throughout the play the behavior of these characters seems justified. In this way, The Merchant of Venice appears to be an anti-Semitic play. However, The Merchant of Venice contains several key instances, which can be portrayed in a way that criticizes anti-Semitism. 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The friendship love is shown through Antonio towards Bassanio, romantic love is shown through Portia and Bassanio and self love is shown through shylock. However Shakespeare also illustrates hates during the play through the characters shylock and AntonioRead MoreThe Two Worlds of Venice and Belmont Depicted in Shakespears The Merchant of Venice865 Words   |  4 PagesThe Two Worlds of Venice and Belmont Depicted in Shakespears The Merchant of Venice In The Merchant of Venice, Shakespeare explores two different yet similar worlds. The world of Venice and the world of Belmont. These two worlds have many differences and some similarities. For example, Venice is a completely different setting compared with Belmont. Also, the characters in Venice are different but also similar to the ones in Belmont. Furthermore, the society in Veniceis

Monday, December 16, 2019

Ethnicity and the Immigrant Experience Free Essays

Ethnicity and the Immigrant Experience When thinking about immigration, most individuals imagine all different types of ethnic groups traveling to a separate land away from their own. Most imagine America. Immigration, throughout history, has occurred within all types of ethnicities. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethnicity and the Immigrant Experience or any similar topic only for you Order Now When taking a closer look at the individuals living in America, it is apparent that everyone is not exactly like one another. Assimilation becomes a popular word used when discussing migration, and both positives and negatives come along with it. Two theorists that discuss the meaning of assimilation in their writings are Stephen Steinberg in his book, Ethnic Myth, and Milton Gordon in his book Assimilation in American Life. They discuss issues regarding assimilation and how they affect the nation as a whole. A novel written by Chang-Rae Lee titled, Native Speaker, gives specific examples as to how the assimilation process affects others and the migrants themselves, as also described in both Steinberg and Gordon’s books. In Steinberg’s book, Ethnic Myth, he discusses with his readers the issues regarding ethnic identity and assimilation. This is presented and explained in the chapter titled, The Atrophy of Ethnic Cultures. He first talks about the idea of the â€Å"melting pot† and how it should not be analyzed lightly. He gives a quote from John Higham that says, â€Å"Loud assertions of pluralism almost invariably betray fears of assimilation† (Steinberg, 59). This means that minority groups that try to maintain their cultural traditions may, in fact, risk assimilation by doing so. Another point he brings to the surface is that when looking back at second or third generations of a specific minority group, these people still can relate back to their original traditions and culture identity. He then says, â€Å"But can the same be said of the new generation which has known only the Americanized version of the original culture? † (Steinberg, 60). This is an obvious prevailing issue when it comes to preserving ones culture. An example within the novel, Native Speaker, would be when Henry, the main character described as a Korean immigrant, explains the history with his father. His father, living in America, would gather with friends and participate in ggeh’s, or â€Å"money clubs. † Here they would win money and eventually, that is all that mattered to the Korean group. The shift from typical Korean traditions to owning all this land and money in American became a vast transformation. Henry says about his father, â€Å"In America, he said, it’s even hard to stay Korean. These alterations from one ethnic experience and tradition to another can be lost very quickly and potentially never be replenished. Throughout both Steinberg and Gordon’s writing, they both have similarities and differences when regarding assimilation. Gordon talks about these â€Å"ethnic meetings† which refer to assimilation. Throughout Gordon’s chapter titled, The Nature of Assimilation, he gives a numerous amount of definitions from theorists and writers that differ in various ways. In an essay that Gordon leaves the author anonymous in this chapter defines assimilation as â€Å"the process by which different cultures, or individuals or groups representing different cultures, are merged into a homogenous unit. Here Gordon talks about assimilation as positive, whereas Steinberg takes a different approach. Steinberg suggests that assimilation is not always a positive aspect simply because it can result in the loss of a cultural identity. This is present in Native Speaker because Henry continuously tries indulging himself into American culture. He cannot fully accomplish this, which essentially results in his wife, Lelia, leaving him in the beginning of the novel. As there are differences within Steinberg and Gordon’s readings, they do agree upon their understanding of the nature within assimilation. Gordon says that cultural behavior changes â€Å"may take place in the cultures of either one of the two groups, or there may be a reciprocal influence whereby the cultures of both groups are modified† (Gordon, 62). Steinberg agrees with this statement because he suggests that the changing of one’s culture is at high risk when incorporated into a different culture. He says, â€Å"The ethnic crisis only begins with the fact that the core elements of traditional culture have been modified, diluted, compromised, and finally relinquished† (Steinberg, 62). Both writers describe this lack of identity in one way or another. Assimilation is apparent in any society, especially America. People of different backgrounds continuously trying to come together to create one nation is a crucial aspect in society today. Steinberg, Gordon, and Lee all discuss how assimilation has issues when it comes to preserving ones ethnic traditions and identity. What they all convey to readers however, is the fact that the merging of cultures will forever be essential and inevitable. Works Cited Steinberg, Steven. The Ethnic Myth: Race, Ethnicity, and Class in America. Boston: Beacon Press, 1978. Print. Lee, Chang-Rae. Native Speaker. New York: Riverhead Books, 1995. Print. Gordon, Milton. The Nature of Assimilation. Oxford University Press, 1964. eBook. How to cite Ethnicity and the Immigrant Experience, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Marijuana as a Subculture free essay sample

A subculture is a group of people who share a distinctive set of cultural beliefs and behaviors that differ in some significant way from that of larger society. Marijuana smokers can be considered a subculture for many reasons. Marijuana is used by millions of people around the world, either for recreational, spiritual, or therapeutic reasons. Some call themselves the cannabis connoisseurs; people who respect cannabis and use it responsibly. Few drugs have been so politicized recently as marijuana has. It is frequently praised by one side and condemned by the other, on the basis of emotional issues rather than an objective view of research. It was 1920 when smoking began to catch on in the United States. Its recreational use was restricted to jazz musicians and people in show business. Reefer songs became the rage of the jazz world. Marijuana clubs, called tea pads, appeared in every major city across the country. Authorities tolerated these establishments because it was not illegal or considered a social threat. In the early sasss marijuana became stereotyped as a violent drug, and by 1936 was illegal in all states. Marijuana research was at a stand still and the thought of it being a violent rug faded and the idea that it was a gateway drug emerged in the late sasss early 1 asss. In the sasss marijuana became very popular among the young college crowd. This was looked at as a challenge to authority and the government. The effects of marijuana are minimal. The high has a feeling of euphoria, peacefulness and well-being. Dehydrogenations (TECH) is the active chemical in marijuana. Its estimated that a person would have to ingest a dose 20,000 to 40,000 times the average dose before death would occur. In the early sasss sophisticated research on marijuana began. The scientists discovered TECH stimulates special receptors in the brain. Researchers have now isolated a natural substance that appears to produce the same effects as TECH in the brain. Recently the medical uses of marijuana are being more and more accepted, and many marijuana smokers wonder how it can be harmful if it helps/treats patients. Marijuana smokers are a subculture because they share sets of beliefs, values, language, and other things that are different from the views of the larger society.They look at things another way because they are pro marijuana, which differs from the rest of society. It is the differences that distinguish part off culture from the rest. They speak the same language as the rest of the culture but they have a different set of definitions for certain words. On every marijuana related website I visited found there was a glossary. All of them were very similar. Some examples of different words contained in the glossary follow. The words high, stoned, blazed, and wasted are all defined as being under the influence of marijuana.Blades, skins, papers, and blunts are all synonyms for the paper used to roll marijuana. Joints and blunts are used to described as rolled marijuana, like a cigarette. The inhalation Of marijuana smoke is called taking a hit, drag, or toke. A bong or bowl is used to smoke marijuana. There are hundreds of different names for marijuana, some of the most popular are: pot, reefer, weed, bud, chronic, ganja, green, grass, Mary Jane, and herb. They also have some symbols that represent things. A very popular one is the marijuana leaf. It can be seen a lot of places such as a bumper sticker or in graffiti. 20 is another common one, it is the number used to represent marijuana or the smoking of it. The best explanation of this is its the California police code for possession of marijuana. Their subculture has a number of beliefs that differ from mainstream society as well. One belief is that marijuana use is increasing rapidly globally and The War on Drugs is a failure. This is one oftener strongest beliefs. They are very correct about both points. The unsuccessful War on Drugs is very costly, and is continuing to keep the tax rate high.A second belief is marijuana must be respected and used responsibly. Many marijuana smokers feel that teenager abuse it because they act so irresponsibly. Another strong belief is that pot is relatively less harmful than alcohol or tobacco. This is true if the facts and tactics are looked at. The last main belief is that marijuana should be decentralized and people should be free to grow and consume it in their own homes. Part of this is true in California, the Only State in which marijuana is decentralized.People are able to smoke marijuana without the legal penalties. Marijuana users have a certain etiquette they follow. Found a list of one hundred six of these, way too many to describe. The first five of these are: 1. Thou shall not turn down a smoke, never, 2. The person who rolls the joint (no matter whose weed it is) gets to spark it and take the iris hits, 3. If someone rolls a nice joint, its good to give the person a compliment on his or her rolling skills, 4. If someone starts hogging the bowl or joint because it is their pot that is definitely not cool, 5.If someone is too uncoordinated to light the bowl or bong they must give control of the lighter to someone able to get it lit. These are their cultures values and unwritten law to be followed. These rules vary throughout the country but remain basically the same. The members of this subculture share certain preferences and habits. The main reason people smoke pot is for the leasing feeling that helps rid them of the daily stress life brings. A man who works as an insurance agent describes this by stating; Smoking marijuana helps me see my life as a continuous whole.It allows me to step back from my daily concerns[] By removing myself temporarily I can see how certain little things are just not as important as I had once thought. This man uses marijuana to unwind from the day. Music also plays a big role in the consumption of marijuana. Smokers claim that music sounds better when they are high. The same with television and movies, they appear clearer and funnier. Social smoking allows for a better understanding of others and often facilitates intimate exchanges. And not to forget about the munchies (which is described in all the glossaries as well. The desire to eat is a direct result Of smoking and may be the closest thing to a universal response to marijuana. These things are particularly common among smokers. The rest of society views the marijuana smoking population in a disapprovingly way. There are a number of anti-drug activists out there tying to push stricter drug laws and end the use of illegal drugs altogether. Society imposed the stereotype that makers are pitheads and believes this to be very true. But the smokers do not want to be associated with the pithead stereotype.They want very much to destroy the connection of marijuana with the tie-dyed, hippy era. Society just assumes smokers are useless, lazy, uneducated bums; which is very inaccurate. There are many hard working people out there that smoke marijuana recreational to relieve stress. First, this cannot be true because there are an inestimable amount of marijuana smokers that successfully keep their habit a secret. These people are able to blend with society, allowing hem to make friends/acquaintances that dont agree with smoking marijuana.People who use marijuana do not look negatively upon the rest of society. They relate and form bonds with the whole culture as normal people would. Marijuana smokers are a subculture for the reasons previously described above. They share a different set of values, beliefs, and etc. From the rest Of society. For example, they have their own terms that describe their practices. They dont mind society but part of society minds them, maybe one day marijuana use wont be as frowned upon. All of these things make marijuana smokers a subculture.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird Assignment Theme of Prejudice Essay Example For Students

To Kill a Mockingbird Assignment Theme of Prejudice Essay Prejudice, the word, can be split up into two other words for a greater understanding of what the question is actually asking, i. e. pre- and -judge. To pre-judge someone is to be prejudiced In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, prejudice is portrayed to the reader in different ways in order to send across a message or an idea the author has. As well as being able to understand meanings behind the novel, Harper Lee has included prejudice so that the reader is able to understand the historical details in the book, for example; the effects of the civil war (1861-1865) upon the USA and the effects towards black people. We will write a custom essay on To Kill a Mockingbird Assignment Theme of Prejudice specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Harper Lee may also use prejudice to give people a feeling of reality, so the readers feel as if they were present at the time period the book was written in. The author could also be telling us that the whole concept of prejudice, is everywhere in society, whether it is in the time period when the novel was written or today. The way in which Harper Lee gets her messages through to the readers is by giving examples of extreme prejudice throughout the entire novel. One example of prejudice that Harper Lee included in the novel did include racism towards coloured people, but it was prejudice against whole groups of people. There were big divisions of peoples social status in Maycomb. For example Aunt Alexandra was constantly making remarks about how high class the Finch family was. Groups that were victims of prejudice included the Cunninghams and the Ewell families. Aunt Alexandra didnt used to let Scout play with Walter Cunningham as he was poor, was a farmer and was low class. From the remarks Aunt Alexandra makes in the novel about the Cunningham family the reader can pick up the narrow-mindedness of the some of characters in the novel, and that in the time period the book was set, people just could not accept the fact that there were oloured people, people of different social status, and people who were just different in the sense they were not a stereotype of a Maycomb citizen, which characters like Aunt Alexandra show. However the Cunninghams were never as bad as what the Ewell family was depicted as. They were white trash and they were very poorly educated. By using the words white trash, Harper Lee has manipulated the reader into thinking that the Ewell family was so low in the social circle that they didnt deserve to be called people. They were referred to as animals to show how low they really were. The character development of these two families as made Harper Lee show that not only coloured people can be attacked by prejudice, you could be a different social or economic status and could be treated differently. Although people were seen as being prejudiced against groups, individuals were also targeted. One key example of an individual is Boo Radley. Most of the town is prejudiced against Boo as he doesnt follow the crowd and is not often seen doing things that other people of Maycomb do. Rumours and gossip portray Boo as a malignant and illusive character and children (being gullible as they are) believe the rumours, whether the gossip is true or not. They believe that food from the Radley garden is poisonous and run past his house from fear. By adding characters like Boo Radley into the novel Harper Lee shows us that only a few people in Maycomb accept Boo for what he really is, and respect him. I also think that here, the author is trying to speculate how judgmental and narrow minded, not only children, but adults can be by calling him different. When the residents of Maycomb call someone different, the reader is lead to think that the different character just does not think or act like the other citizens of Maycomb, and therefore they are goals for prejudice. .ud48b3ddfee4e39dabb05eb50000952d0 , .ud48b3ddfee4e39dabb05eb50000952d0 .postImageUrl , .ud48b3ddfee4e39dabb05eb50000952d0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud48b3ddfee4e39dabb05eb50000952d0 , .ud48b3ddfee4e39dabb05eb50000952d0:hover , .ud48b3ddfee4e39dabb05eb50000952d0:visited , .ud48b3ddfee4e39dabb05eb50000952d0:active { border:0!important; } .ud48b3ddfee4e39dabb05eb50000952d0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud48b3ddfee4e39dabb05eb50000952d0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud48b3ddfee4e39dabb05eb50000952d0:active , .ud48b3ddfee4e39dabb05eb50000952d0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud48b3ddfee4e39dabb05eb50000952d0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud48b3ddfee4e39dabb05eb50000952d0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud48b3ddfee4e39dabb05eb50000952d0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud48b3ddfee4e39dabb05eb50000952d0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud48b3ddfee4e39dabb05eb50000952d0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud48b3ddfee4e39dabb05eb50000952d0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud48b3ddfee4e39dabb05eb50000952d0 .ud48b3ddfee4e39dabb05eb50000952d0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud48b3ddfee4e39dabb05eb50000952d0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: As I Lay Dying EssayHarper Lee also suggests to the reader, to be judgmental of a character of Boo Radleys nature is expected of not only residents in Maycomb, but in general it is human nature. Even though a fair majority of the Maycomb residents are severely prejudice, there are a few people who look beneath the surface of different individuals and groups. For example, Atticus. Even though Atticus does make comments about being common this character is presented in the novel to be wise understanding of most situations. He does not judge anyone by their race, religion, views or anything else that makes them different. He oes not seem to be in favour the racist attitudes in Maycomb and sees them be like a disease. From understanding the context the word is used in, Harper Lee proposes to the reader that the prejudice in Maycomb spreads from one character to another. Miss Maudie also has some non- prejudiced views by saying that she is proud of those people in this town who say that fair play is not marked white only. This quotation tells the reader that the character of Miss Maudie was trying to say that she likes and is proud of the thought that black and white people would be able to use the same things, as well as being allowed to be round one another. Eventually, nearer to the end of the novel Jem and Scout show their maturity and open mindedness, which is evidently shown by making some anti-racist remarks. I think that by adding only a few characters with non-prejudiced views Harper Lee is able to discuss with the reader on a subconscience level, that even though there is a majority who are always judgmental, there always be some people who can see people for what they really are, no matter what makes them different. One of the most important examples of a type of prejudice shown in the novel is acism. The entire town of Maycomb, with a few exceptions are racist. They see black people as inferior beings and treat them similarly. Mrs Dubose, a resident of Maycomb shows her racist views by making a remark about Atticus when she said to the children that their father was no better than the niggers and trash he works for. From saying this, Mrs Dubose is not only saying that black people should be treated like trash and not as human beings, but she is also saying, the fact that Atticus has something to do with a black person, that he is also as low as a black person. Compared to Mrs Dubose, Atticus seems to accept people for who they are, whereas Mrs Dubose just seems to add to my theory of the stereotypical characters of Maycomb being judgmental. Harper Lee also makes the reader realise something about Atticuss children. We know from the reaction of Jem towards the comments Mrs Dubose made, that Atticuss children have been influenced by Atticuss wise and open -minded views. In part two of the novel, racism is quite evidently shown by the jury when Tom Robinson is on trial. Atticus knew that although he was going to defend Tom Robinson to the best of his bilities, he would not be able to succeed due to the prejudice the town showed against coloured people. Harper Lee included aspects like the reaction of Mrs Dubose towards Atticus working for a black man to show how extreme peoples views were back in the beginning half of the 20th century, therefore she is able to show the reader what it could have been like if they were a person of different race. But as well as racism in Maycomb, there was prejudice against others who were just simply different. Overall, Harper Lee is trying to show the reader the reality of life, in the time period he novel was set. .u14bf4e5be38c40085fdf6c596a535a02 , .u14bf4e5be38c40085fdf6c596a535a02 .postImageUrl , .u14bf4e5be38c40085fdf6c596a535a02 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u14bf4e5be38c40085fdf6c596a535a02 , .u14bf4e5be38c40085fdf6c596a535a02:hover , .u14bf4e5be38c40085fdf6c596a535a02:visited , .u14bf4e5be38c40085fdf6c596a535a02:active { border:0!important; } .u14bf4e5be38c40085fdf6c596a535a02 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u14bf4e5be38c40085fdf6c596a535a02 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u14bf4e5be38c40085fdf6c596a535a02:active , .u14bf4e5be38c40085fdf6c596a535a02:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u14bf4e5be38c40085fdf6c596a535a02 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u14bf4e5be38c40085fdf6c596a535a02 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u14bf4e5be38c40085fdf6c596a535a02 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u14bf4e5be38c40085fdf6c596a535a02 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u14bf4e5be38c40085fdf6c596a535a02:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u14bf4e5be38c40085fdf6c596a535a02 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u14bf4e5be38c40085fdf6c596a535a02 .u14bf4e5be38c40085fdf6c596a535a02-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u14bf4e5be38c40085fdf6c596a535a02:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Violent blasts EssayBut one thing that I think Harper Lee was also trying to put across to the reader that reactions like this can take place anywhere there is a negative reaction to something different. She did this by adding prejudice in the first place, but also discussing it with the reader by using example of different people and then seeing reactions of the narrow- minded residents in Maycomb. I think that Harper Lee was trying to discuss the theme of prejudice by making it obvious to the reader how easily it can occur and how wrong it can be- ending up taking the lives of innocent people.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

7 Steps to Know If Youre in the Right Job

7 Steps to Know If Youre in the Right Job Do you spend a lot of time moaning about your job? Worrying that you maybe picked the wrong career? That your dream job is still out there somewhere and you’re stuck in a rut? We all complain about our jobs- and the grass is almost always greener somewhere else. But there’s a difference between something called â€Å"job depression† and actually being in the wrong career.Our brains tend to do three things that can be poisonous to our job satisfaction: distort, delete, and generalize. It’s easy to distort our own view of what we do. It’s easy to delete the fun, rewarding parts when complaining about all the tasks we hate. And it’s easy to draw global conclusions when we focus on the negative.If you want to know whether you actually hate your job- or have just convinced yourself to hate it through your own complaining- here are seven steps you can take:1. Assess your job.How do you think and talk about your job? Does your gut response really re flect how you feel about the work you do?2. Listen to yourself.How often do you complain about the parts of your job that you don’t like?3. Accentuate the positive.Take a moment and make a list of all the things you like about your job. Really think about the tasks and aspects of your work that you enjoy.4. Give your job a break.There’s no such thing as the perfect job. Try to remember that even your dream job would involve at least a few tasks that aren’t your favorite things to do.5. Keep track.Make a list of every task you do for two weeks and then rate each one on a scale of 1 to 10. At the end of two weeks, the numbers will not lie.6. Remember your strengths.What are your best, most unique skills? Does your job give you the opportunity to make best use of them?7.  Reassess your job.By now, you should have a pretty clear idea of how you really feel about your job. What percentage of your job do you actually hate? Does the number surprise you?You probably r eally do like your job- or most of it. Or maybe you’ve realized that you like some aspects of your job, but that you’re not satisfied overall. If the negatives really do outweigh the positives, then maybe it’s time to stop complaining and start looking for another job! Either way, it’s important to connect with how you really feel and not let your bad psychology get the better of you.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Topical Essay Organization

Topical Essay Organization When it comes to writing an essay, topical organization means describing the subject of your paper one topic at a time. Anytime you have to describe something, like an animal, a gadget, an event, or a process, you can use the topical organization. Your first step is to divide your subjects into small parts (sub-topics) and then define each one. Types of Essays That Use Topical Organization Exploring Essays - Topical essay structure is perfect for science essays that explore the characteristics of an organism.Compare and Contrast Essays - English class essays that compare two short stories can be written topic-by-topic.Explaining Essays - You could use a topical essay to explain why the American South developed an agrarian-based economy, explaining one characteristic at a time that led to this development.Descriptive essay - You could describe any object one part at a time; for example, when describing yourself, you could start with your facial features and move on to hands and feet. Note: If you are writing a compare and contrast essay, you may need to define two subjects with the topical organization. You can use two strategies for this: You can describe one subject completely and move on to the next.You can describe and compare small parts of each subject piece by piece.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Finance and Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Finance and Accounting - Essay Example Return on Capital Employed EBIT/ Shareholders funds + LT Liabilities EBIT $ 13,302 $ 11,876 Capital employed $ 69,326 $ 66,864 ROCE = 19% 18% Net Margin Net Income/ Net Sales Net Income $ 9,197 $ 8,081 Net Sales $ 98,458 $ 91,115 Net Margin 9% 9% Gross Margin Gross Profit / Net Sales Gross Profit $ 57,745 $ 53,198 Gross margin = 58.6% 58.4% Finance and Accounting P 4 Overheads as % of Turnover Distribution & Admin (Excl amortization of Goodwill) Distribution $ 8,244 $ 7,402 Marketing & Admin $ 34,465 $ 32,421 Total Overheads $ 42,709 $ 39,823 Turnover $ 101,805 $ 102,718 Overheads as % of Turnover 42% 39% Distribution as % of Turnover 8% 7% Marketing & Admin as % Turnover 34% 32% Turnover / Capital Employed 1.47 1.54 Turnover / Fixed Assets Fixed assets $ 20,230 $ 18,990 Turnover / Fixed Assets 5.03 5.41 Turnover / Net current Assets Net Current Assets $ 35,305 $ 41,765 Turnover / Net current Assets 2.88 2.46 Turnover / Stock $ 5,926 $ 5,926 stock Finance and Accounting P 5 Turnover / Stock 17.18 17.33 Current Ratio Current Assets $ 35,305 $ 41,765 Current Liabilities $ 32,479 $ 35,854 Current Ratio 1.09 1.16 Acid Test current assets less stock/ c liabilities...The ratios as computed showed that these are the financial indicators distilling the relevant information with regards to the entity of business by quantifying the relationship among the selected items appearing on the financial statement. The ratios of the entity may also be compared with the different ratios of a different period and to the industry's ratios. These comparative analyses shown below were able to identify the trends that may be very significant with the investors, the lenders and at the same time other parties who are very interested. The profitability ratios of both companies are for purposes of measuring the income in relation to some base and the more general is due to profit wherein these are the results of many factors such as the operating decisions, the leverage and the other considerations necessary for both companies. The liquidity ratio or simply the solvency Both companies have shown that they are good indicators in terms of current ratio because as compared with the last year's performance, both companies are doing very well. These ratios are designed for the purpose of highlighting the relationships considered to be meaningful between those financial data.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Artefacts (Idenitifying Materials) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Artefacts (Idenitifying Materials) - Essay Example Quality assurance plays an active role in materials testing. Quality assurance carries out calibration test and manufacturing test. Calibration test is carried out to determine the workability of the measuring properties. Manufacturing test is carried out to determine the adherence to standardization. Some of the tests through which engineering materials are subjected to can be categorized as follows; Mechanical test These tests are carried out on the engineering materials to determine their strength, elastic constants, material properties and performance properties. Mechanical test involves testing the test specimen. The test specimen is obtained through the breaking of the original sample materials. Tensional test These are quasi-static test carried out on the engineering materials to determine the properties of these materials. This test is carried out by exposing the sample material to uniaxial loading conditions. Hardness test The resistances to penetration by most engineering m aterials are determined by hardness test. Hardness test is carried out using three different methods that are scratch test, rebound test, indentation test. Scratch test involves progressive scratching of a hard material. Rebound test involves the ability to determine the material resilience. Material resilience is determined by measuring the potential energy of the material. Indentation test involves production of a permanent impression on the surface of the materials. The size and the force of the impression determine the material hardness. Hardness test can further be categorized as macro hardness test or micro hardness test. The macro hardness test includes Brinell, Vickers and Rockwell tests. Micro hardness test includes Knoop and Tukon test. Torsion test This is a test that is carried out to obtain the stress-strain relationship for the metal. Torsion test is able to generate both the shear stress and shear strain of the material. Impact test This test is conducted to determine the static properties and the mechanical behavior of the engineering material. Heat treatment and the stress concentrations of the material are carried out under impact test. When the drill (Osaki CD 1202 12V) was stripped down, the following material components were identified; Polystyrene polymer Polystyrene is a vinyl polymer structurally made up of very long hydrocarbon chain. The polystyrene polymer has a phenyl group attached to its carbon atom. This polymer is hard and it is a clear plastic. Polystyrene is made from free radical vinyl polymerization of the monomer styrene. This polymer is hard and it is used for making of the drill handle. Due to its hard nature, it is able to withstand a lot of heat. Nylon This is a thermoplastic polymer which is used as a fiber. Nylons are made from diacid chlorides and the diamines.One of the nylon polymer that is nylon 6, 6 is produced from the combination of two monomers. The two monomers are adipoyl chloride and hexamethylene diamine. Another form of nylon is the nylon 6. Nylon 6 is made from a ring opening polymerization. These nylons are used in making the casing for the ball bearing. It is preferred because of its ability to be fabricated into any shape. Diamond This is the hardest engineering material. They are gem-quality carbon crystals. They are highly refractive crystalline carbon types and are used in abrasives, cutting tools and drilling operations. They have slight impurities in their structures, but they are

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Teachers Day Essay Example for Free

Teachers Day Essay Teachers Day BY Adi001 Teachers Day In some countries, Teachers Days are intended to be special days for the appreciation of teachers. World Teachers Day is celebrated across the world on October 5th[1], with great verve and enthusiasm. Ever since the importance of teachers has been recognized by UNESCO, by adopting the Recommendation concerning the status of teachers, World Teachers Day has been celebrated annually. This includes celebrations to honor the teachers for their special contribution in a particular field area or the community in general. Contents[hide] * History * 2 By country * 3 See also * 4 References * 5 External links I [edit] History The concept of celebrating teachers day originated in India to remember the great educationist Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He was one of Indias most influential scholars of comparative religion and philosophy, whose dream was that Teachers should be the best minds in the country. 2] [edit] By country Country I Date of Teachers Day I Notes I Afghanistan I May 24 | Schools have a holiday, but students and teachers gather to celebrate at schools with special traditional food, cookies, music and resents to the teachers I Albania I March 7 | In 1887, the first school which taught lessons in Albanian was opened on this day in the small city of Kor#. I Algeria I February 28 | Argentina I September 11 I To honor the work of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento after he died. I Australia I Last Friday in October I On Australias celebration of World Teachers Day, the NEiTA Foundation and the Australian Scholarships Group (ASG) is proud to announce the national teaching recipients of the ASG Community Merit Awards. World Teachers Day was started by UNESCO and is celebrated in more than 100 countries around the world each year. On its 40th anniversary this year, it represents a significant token of the awareness, understanding, and appreciation displayed for the vital contribution that teachers make to education. I Azerbaijan I October 5 | Between 1965 and 1994, the first Sunday of October. Since 1994, on October 5, it has coincided with the World Teachers Day (est. 1994 by UNESCO). I Bahrain I February 28 | Brunei Darussalam I September 23 | To commemorate the birth date of the 28th ruler of Brunei, Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien Ill, also known as the Architect of Modern Brunei who amongst others had emphasized on the importance of education to his ubjects by introducing policy of free education whereby the citizens are charged very nominal fees for attending schools. This policy have now been followed by the current 29th ruler who have since extended the policy further. I Bhutan I May 2 | Established and marked on the birth anniversary of the third King of Bhutan, Jigme Dorli Wangchuck, who introduced modern education in the country. I Bolivia I June 6 | Brazil I October 15 | A decree regulating the elementary schools in Brazil. The celebration gained popularity throughout the country, and October 1 5 was officially 0 was chosen to celebrate Teachers Day, because on that day in 1945, the Chilean poet Gabriela Mistral received the Nobel Prize. However, in 1977, the date was changed to October 16, to honor the founding of the Colegio de Profesores de Chile (Teachers College of I China (Hong Kong) I September 10 | Before 1997, Teachers Day was on September 28, following the tradition from the Republic of China since the 1950s. After the handover

Monday, November 11, 2019

Diverse Subjects Essay

Creativity is an essential dimension of life and it is found at every level of existence. The planets and stars are creative in their own way. Animals are creative in their own way of innovation and adaptation. But what about human beings? Are we creative to find beauty in our lives and add beauty to others’ life? The very essence of formation of human body from a single cell zygote to a multicellular body is the creativity of nature. But the human mind has somehow lost its ability to think of new ideas and change the world. There is a global institution that is labeling millions of people as failures just because they failed to memorize few facts and figures. This institution is our so called â€Å"education system†. The very aim of education is now limited to a classroom with a blackboard packed with forty to fifty students with one elderly person dictating them what they should learn. No music, dance, art or games but just an authority of examination is there to test their intelligence. Number of studies done on young children have shown that children before school were very creative and as they continue with their schooling, their creativity is lost. The present education system kills creativity, stifles imagination, and destroys curiosity in children- all in the name of learning. Major technology giants facebook, Apple, Microsoft would not have been there if their creators had not dropped out of formal education. The greatest of all minds-Einstein did not bother to memorize his own address or phone number. India had also seen some of the great personalities- Dhirubhai Ambani who proved that even a common man can become a billionaire, M.S.Subramaniam who made Indian self-reliant on food grains, Pandit Ravi Shankar who is the ambassador of Indian music to the world. Such people are not the products of this education system. Had it done so, there would have been millions in number. We are taught to be a part of a rat-race striving to gain excellence by mugging up theoretical concepts to get a top rank and keep up with the cut-throat competition. That is where the creativity is being slaughtered and excellence is being sacrificed at the altar of expediency. Instead of reducing students to test-taking machines, they should be encouraged to create mistakes so that they can learn to improve upon themselves. Various initiatives have been taken to encourage Gandhi’s model of education-an education system with human values. Swaraj university is one such example where the youth is equipped with skills to deal creatively with complexity, collapse and change the world. More such reforms should be made. The children should be encouraged to do job of their interest so that they enjoy their work rather than seeing it as an obligation. The education system must be revamped to foster enthusiastic youngsters to keep their creativity and dreams intact.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

How to Pack a Suitcase

Process Analysis: How to Pack a Suitcase Zakera Marsh Bryant & Stratton College ENG101 Research and Writing 1 Mr. Young March 7, 2013 It’s that time of year again; time to plan a trip, but where to? A mini vacation to the Bahamas for five days via Carnival Cruise will have to do. Just thinking about the process of packing a suitcase is a headache. Packing a suitcase is not so hard, especially when you have the proper steps to complete this task. Packing a suitcase requires one to be organized and prepared. First, it starts off to where you are going; in this case to the warm and beautiful Bahamas.The trip is going to be for five days; five days equals one large sized suitcase. A suitcase is a portable case designed to hold a traveler’s clothing, personal articles, and any other recommendations. Packing accordingly to the weather is important. The things that are need in the suitcase included: five different outfits of choice, three pair of shorts, a two pair of capris, a beach dress, five t-shirts, and maybe a dressy blouse. Also include undergarments, socks, and a few pair of pajamas, possibly a couple different workout clothes like basketball shorts or tights and couple tank tops.Lastly for the outfits includes the shoes, a pair of sneakers, a pair of nice dress shoes, a pair of slippers, and two pairs of flip flops. Also after everything is gathered, an extra outfit should be packed just in case along with undergarments. Now it is time for the essentials. These include: toothpaste, toothbrush, floss, lotion, deodorant, hair products, a brush, a comb, maybe makeup, medicine and vitamins if needed, a camera, money, identification card, and a birth certificate or passport if needed.Other things include: a bathing suit, a light sweater or jacket, and a towel and a washcloth, even though they provide them for you, but I prefer my own. Now that you have everything you need to pack in your suitcase, let’s begin packing! First start by opening u p the suitcase with the zipper provided. Pick up one pair of shoes and place it into any corner of the suitcase. At the same time, take the remaining pair of shoes and make a straight line, putting them towards the opposite corner.Next comes the outfits, take all of the articles of clothing and lay them out flat. Start with the pants, which are the shorts and capris. First bring the lefts of the capris together, fold down the middle seam at the hips with the back pockets together and the front facing out (â€Å"3 Ways to Roll Clothes – wikiHow†, n. d. , p. xx-xx). Next bring the ends of the legs up, fold the capris so that the ends of the legs and top of the pants are even. Roll the capris, starting at the open end and smoothing as you go.Do this to the remanding capris and shorts. Afterward are all of the t-shirts. Make sure they are flat and bring the ends of the sleeves together and fold the shirt in hold down the back. Lay each t-shirt on one, place the arms onto t he body of the folded shirt, keeping them together, and then roll down from the collar (â€Å"3 Ways to Roll Clothes – wikiHow†, n. d. , p. xx-xx). While this is in mind take your dressed, blouse, and undergarments and do the same thing related to the t-shirts. Last but not least are the socks.Place one beneath another with the top one about two inches or five centimeters below the bottom one, roll from the first sock on the bottom, with the first roll coming right to the top of the second sock (â€Å"3 Ways to Roll Clothes – wikiHow†, n. d. , p. xx-xx). This is how you are going to do each pair of your socks. Now that the articles of clothing are all rolled up, take them one by one, preferably starting with the shorts and place them in an open corner on top of each other working your way down as each stack gets higher. Do this with each article of clothing.Yes! The clothing is packed! Unfortunately we are not quite done yet. Next are the toiletries. Take the toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, lotion, and deodorant and place them one by one into a large gallon sized zipped lock baggy close it and place them on top of your clothes. Then get another large sized gallon bag and place your hair products in it, which may include: travel size moisturizer, shampoo, and conditioner and a comb and brush, and any makeup into the other zip lock baggy then close it up and place it next to the first baggy.The camera and medicine or vitamins will go into the middles of your suitcase on top of the clothes. The money, identification card, birth certificate, or passport can go inside of your wallet, purse, or carry-on bag. It is not necessary for these items to go inside of your suitcase because you do not want the hassle of unzipping that large suitcase and rummaging through it for some money and stuff. All of the other things, like a bathing suit can be rolled up like the t-shirt.The sunglasses will go inside of a sunglasses case and be placed inside o ne sneaker which was placed in the corner of the suitcase. Finally, everything is packed, close the suitcase, then zip it up, now it is time for your trip. Packing a suitcase allows you to be more organized and prepared. It entitles you to prepare for a trip; whether it is to the warm and beautiful Bahamas or during winter time in freezing, cold New York City.The process is not rocket science; just gather all of your appropriate attire of the number of days planned, and grab an extra outfit just in case. Make sure you have your shoes and all your personal needs. All of these things will fit, just do not go overboard and bring unnecessary stuff. Then this will make you frustrated if it all cannot fit. Therefore, being prepared and organized before packing a suitcase is important. Reference 3 Ways to Roll Clothes – wikiHow. (n. d. ). wikiHow – How to do anything. Retrieved  March  7, 2013, from http://www. wikihow. com/Roll-Clothes

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Raiders of the lost ark essays

Raiders of the lost ark essays The film Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark is one of the greatest films of all time every aspect of filmmaking in it is superb. The theme the plot the script the acting, all of it is great including the setting the costumes the makeup the direction the photography editing and sound is fabulous. Everything that makes a good movie a good movie is present in this film. Theme- The theme of the movie is about courage, triumph over good and evil in the quest to find the mystical Ark of the Covenant. The director Steven Spielberg did not use any motifs to convey the theme but the director did use the reoccurring symbol of the headpiece to the staff of Raw. Whenever you saw it you get the feeling that time is running out or it is in the wrong hands. Spielberg did use a metaphor to strengthen the theme it also ties in with the symbol of the movie. When you see the German professional and he has the headpiece burned into his hand it symbolizes it falling into the wrong hands. Plot- The plot of the movie is not profound but it is great the film is about Dr. Jones a professor of archaeology who is asked by the United States Military Intelligence Agency to beat the Germans in the race to find the lost Ark of the Covenant first. His journey takes him to Nepal, the dangerous market places of Cairo, and a top secrete submarine base in India. To complete his task Jones must survive poison, traps, snakes, treachery, and a division of the Nazi army. The plot is very good but it is somewhat unbelievable, first of all the movie is about the recovery of a religious artifact, which many people dont believe in any way. Secondly the fact that a college professor of archaeology is risking his life every minute doing amazing things like taking down an entire force of Nazi soldiers with his six shooter and his trusty whip. This makes the plot seem very surreal. Script- The script of the movie is very good the dialogues of t...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Absorption spectroscopy and acetic acid

Absorption spectroscopy and acetic acid The absorbance of light, wavelength 632nm, was measured in an indicator solution at varying pH, and varying concentration, allowing for a Beer-Lambert plot to be constructed. This was then used to measure acetic acid uptake at the surface of deionised water and octan-1-ol coated water, allowing pH, and hence concentration, to be calculated from absorbance of the liquid. Introduction Surfactants are molecules which are able to form a surface across a liquid, and stop the interaction of foreign molecules with the solution without interacting with these molecules first. These are extremely useful since they often contain a hydrophobic and hydrophilic aspect, which interact differently to different molecules. Surfactants are used in the manufacture of paper, textiles and construction among others.[1] They are the main ingredient of detergents and they allow non-polar molecules to dissolve in polar molecules, such as oil into water. On the surface of the liquid, the surfactant will inter act slightly differently. It will create a surface of hydrophobic ‘tails’. This will stop polar molecules from entering the liquid, since the liquid will appear to be a poor solution for the polar molecule to interact with. They also increase decrease tension of the liquid.[4] This barrier is expected to stop the acetic acid, used in part 3 of the experiment, interacting with the water solvent. If it does interact, the pH of the solution will lower due to acetic acids presence, and the indicator will show a change in colour. If no acetic acid enters the solution, no change should be observed or measured. Experimental Using de-ionised water, a reference light intensity was recorded. A 250ml solution (1) of 0.005% wt bromocresol green was then prepared, and absorbance was measured. 100ml was removed, and the pH adjusted using 0.1M sodium hydroxide and glacial acetic acid, and absorbance was noted at pH’s between 3-6 at 0.3 increments. 50ml of remaining solution (1) was further diluted to solutions of 0.0025%, 0.00125%, 0.000625% and 0.0003125% concentration. Spectroscopic analysis of these concentrations was made, and a Beer Lambert graph plotted. A solution of unknown concentration was then spectroscopically analysed and it’s approximate concentration determined. This solution was then enclosed in a container with acetic acid, and spectroscopic readings taken every 30 seconds. This was repeated with fresh solution, with the addition of 0.2ml of octan-1-ol to the surface of the cuvette. Results The results for the pH change showed a curve, going from lower pH on the left to high pH on the right. This is a more quantifiable way of showing that as the Bromocresol turned blue at higher pH. This shows absorption toward the end of the spectrum of lower energy, (ie higher wavelength). So as pH increased, the absorbance of Bromocresol at 632nm increased too as it became blue. The next aspect of the experiment was to analyse how concentration affected the absorbance of Bromocresol green. As concentration of bromocresol green was altered, it was possible to draw a Beer-Lambert plot detailing how the absorption of the light changed with concentration of the Bromocresol Green. As would be expected, there is a straight line relationship between Bromocresol concentration and Absorbance except at higher concentrations, where the solution plateaus and becomes non-linear. Excluding this end point it is possible to derive the gradient, and hence the value of ?L. This was determined to be 36600.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Summary 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Summary 4 - Essay Example It goes without saying that the story of the life and deeds of this great man are now intermingled with numerous mysteries and myths. Thus, it is still unknown when St. Benedict was born, though â€Å"tradition teaches† that he was born in 480 and died in 547.1 According to Gregory the Great, who was St. Benedict’s biographer, the saint lived from 480 up to 543.2 St. Benedict was born in â€Å"the province of Nursia of honourable parentage and sent to Rome to study the liberal sciences†.3 However, at the age of fourteen Benedict abandons the school and starts his glorious way of a virtuous man and spiritual shepherd.4 He starts living in solitude in one of the caves of the mountains not far from Rome. Soon he starts living in monasteries where he inspires other monks (and other people) by his virtues. Admittedly, the life in monasteries was the necessary background for the creation of his code of rules. It is noteworthy that he could read Latin which made it poss ible for him to get acquainted with works of Cassian and other prominent monastic writings.5 At this point it is necessary to point out that in his biography Gregory the Great also mentions numerous miracles worked by St. Benedict. Of course, this cannot be regarded as facts from the saint’s biography. ... d and God has not abandoned his people; he continues to bless them with holy persons†.6 It goes without saying that Benedict did lead a virtuous life and made a lot of rightful things to become such a symbol for millions of people. He established 12 monasteries and never stopped teaching monks and other people to live rightfully. However, the major work of St. Benedict is his Rule which he, presumably, wrote in Monte Cassino.7 The Rule contains the major guideline for monasticism which â€Å"was and is still used in many monasteries and convents† worldwide.8 The reason why the Rule has become the guideline for millions is quite simple. The principles articulated by St. Benedict were simple and rightful. The Rule is properly structured and is written in a form of preaching, or rather exhortation. In the first place, Benedict reveals the aims he is eager to achieve in his Rule. In the Prologue he states that only obedience and rightful work can bring monks to their Holy Fa ther. In the Prologue Benedict calls monks for changes: â€Å"It is now the hour for us to rise from sleep†.9 Thus, St. Benedict claims that there is a need to change some wrongful ways and turn to God. It is important to note that in his Rule Benedict points out some misdeeds. For instance, he warns abbots of â€Å"more care for fleeting, worldly things†.10 The major reason why Benedict’s Rule has been accepted in the entire western world is that it promulgated basic principles of Christianity. The Rule shows the way to make Christian monasticism rightful. Notably, St. Benedict pays much attention to the role of the Abbot. In fact, St. Benedict depicts the â€Å"rightful† Abbot, who is patient, reasonable, and virtuous. According to Benedict the rightful Abbot should inspire his disciples by his deeds,